Thursday, March 10, 2011

...for Bending

So I have a sore back. I bent over our tub this morning to pick up our baby tub full of water. and move it out on the floor by the sink. Why did I do it? At the request of husband who was holding the little one in preparation for a Bathtime. More comfortable, he said. I knew it was too heavy, but I really wasn't thinking about what I knew. I was thinking about how my husband was going to give his daughter a bath for the first time, and I wanted to do everything I could to make it a positive experience. And our little babe, who usually starts fussing the moment we put her in the water, did not make a peep for the first half of her bath. She even splashed a bit. And her daddy rocked her to sleep afterward.

I am ok with my sore back.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Madelene - How fun to find your blog! The lay-out is very cool. :0) Yes, the sore backs and heavy eyes are all worth it!! Look forward to seeing more of what you write here... Bethany
