What is it about the Birthday
that causes it to be so celebrated?
In some cultures (like my husband's in East Africa) and religions (like Jehovah Witnesses)
the Birthday is not a thing of celebration
or praise for the Birthday Girl or Boy.
It is merely another passing day
like any other
that fades in and out without much thought.
What do they think on this occasion when another year has passed?
Oh yes, I am x or y or so many years old now or
On this day so many years ago my dear mother was birthing me
laboring to give me life.
Do they think about themselves as babies or children
Do memories of years past come flashing through
their mind's eye?
Or maybe they think
I am simply one day older than I was the day before.
Today was Yesterday and Tomorrow will soon be Today.
And I hope to be around Tomorrow
and maybe the next.
Perhaps they don't think much of anything at all.
Only who to see and what to do that day.
I will work and my child will eat and I will be grateful.
Like any other day.
Why do we celebrate the Birthday?
Is it to tell the world:
Hey! I was born on this day! I exist and I am an important contributing person to society!
I am a child/tween/teenager/adult/senior citizen/oldenoughtovote/oldenoughtodrink/intheprimeofmylife/havingamidlifecrisis/havingaseniormoment/centenarian
Or is it an excuse to buy and give gifts hoping that when your turn comes,
you will also receive?
Or maybe a time to spend precious time catching up with friends and family--lookitismybirthdayandIamgoingtoseeyouandspeakwithyouIcandowhatIpleaseSOTHERE.
It is my Birthday, so I am entitled to my wish on this Day.
We all like to make wishes and have them granted
blowing candles is for everyone
Young and Old
Maybe the reason is a bit of everything.
Who doesn't love a reason to eat Birthday Cake?
On your Birthday, the calories don't count.
On your Birthday, you can do anything you want, and no one
No ONE can say anything.
Because it's your Birthday.
My favorite kind of Birthday Cake is homemade.
I like to make my own partly out of revenge for all the times I bit into a store-bought white cake overflowing with deceptively mouth-watering flowery fluffy colored goodness
only to end up with a mouthful of dry sawdust and sugar-coated Crisco.
And partly because there is some difficulty in buying
homemade white chocolate mouse torte with double-stuffed Oreo crumbled crust or
4-layer chocolate tilting cake with whipped cream cheese frosting and candles falling off or
cake shaped like My Little Pony's Castle complete with treasure chest inside
(cake varies depending on age).
You can't put a price-tag on that.
Which came first- the Birthday Card, or the Birthday Cake?
What would the world be like without either of the above?
Would Hallmark even exist?
Gift stores would find it hard
to stay afloat on all the days other than Christmas
What about clowns?
Candles shaped like numbers
Multi-colored sprinkles
Pointed cone-hats with streamers
The "Happy Birthday Song" -- you know, the one that has the same tune in every language
The word "Belated"
Would anniversaries be next if Birthdays disappeared--
Would we even be able to comprehend What or Why without the Birthday?
Without the Birthday, would we find ourselves spontaneously gift giving "just because"?
Oh I bought this for you, just because it reminded me of you
Just because I am so grateful for you
Just because I love you
Just because I wanted to give
There would be nothing to forget
No date to remember
We would eat cake just because we "felt like it"
No reason to pretend to splurge "just this once on my birthday"
Each Day would be important, worthy of celebrating in itself
or just another plain and simple day
depending on your perspective.