Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Love is not a fairytale
but a deeply burning fire
if you are not attentive
you'll become its funeral pyre

Life is not a dream -- in fact
it's the cynic's heart that reigns
when you go down the rabbit hole
you'll never come out sane

Love's fiery embers becken
to bask in alluring flame
Life's tapestry of beauty
proves an illusionary game

So when Love shows no mercy
and Life cruelly strips you bare
grab hold of Life's faux fabric
and float high on Love's hot air

.....thinking one night about all the hurt that Life and Love and throw at us and what it is that keeps us going in the moment when our "cynic's heart reigns." Sometimes all you can do is hold on to something-- even if it is an illusion. Maybe the illusion will eventually become a reality.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Madelene! Nice ballad. That's some cool symbolism there. It all comes together nicely in the last stanza with a fantastic (in more way than one) image of being carried high on this sort of faux balloon. Very imaginative. Reminds me slightly of "On Love" by Kahlil Gibran.
