Sunday, May 8, 2011

For Mom -- not just on Mother's Day

Mom:  I honor you yesterday, today and every day. 
You embody the strong feminine spirit of motherhood. Because of you, I learned how to share my feelings. I learned that it is ok to cry, and there is no weakness in apologizing. I learned how to sew, to cook and enjoy well-cooked food, how to appreciate art, books and stimulating conversation. How to be opinionated yet empathize with others. How to value and respect other cultures. How to hike and love the outdoors. I developed a passion for learning and questioning, for travel and creating relationships. I learned that it is ok to say no, it is ok to make mistakes, it is ok to say, “I don’t know.” You taught me I could be anything I wanted to be. You showed me your faith, through your words and example. You treated me with respect, like I was worth something, and so I believed I was worth something. You listened to me and continue to take interest my life. You are human and maybe sometimes you feel your own humanity too much. You are vulnerable and you share that vulnerability with all your imperfections. To me, that makes you real and accessible. You are my best friend, and confidant. You are my mother. 
I hope someday to become a mother just like you—to build on your strengths and add my own.

Happy Mother's Day everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Go Mom! And go you too! Jenna would surely say that if you could understand her babble.
