Saturday, April 16, 2011

"Touch has a memory"

Wind bats my face in frosty air
Touch has a memory
Gentle fingers run through hair
Touch has a memory
Icy cheek 'gainst warm embrace
Touch has a memory
Feathered circles on palm are traced
Touch has a memory

Grasp my face, hold it tight
Entwine us two till morning light
Tell a story throughout the night
We will not part without a fight
Wishes come a thousand strong
But only few are granted long
Touch has a memory

Even fairytales must end
A broken heart will never mend
But you are still with me, my friend
Though far from me you now pretend
Far from me far from yourself
Dust gathers on the shelf
Touch has a memory

There is nothing more powerful than human touch. It can both heal and destroy. We should cherish the small moments of human connection--we never know how long they may last.


  1. Hmm... definitely makes me think of the tactile sense and things I remember because of it. Very nice. The second stanza, the more I think on it, reminds me of a parent and child. I like the continuity of that stanza a lot. If there's a specific image (parent and child, a couple, friends, or any other combo) that you had in mind, it might be nice to clarify it. Love it though!

  2. Thanks Carey. I like that it could go either could be about any number of relationships :)
